Emerald City Guitars ~ Sourcing the world's finest vintage guitars. Located in Seattle's Historic Pioneer Square and Family owned since 1996.
1967 フェンダー ヴァイブロラックス リバーブ
Sold Out
1967 Gibson ES-125CD
1967 Thomas Organ Company Vox "The Clyde McCoy Wah-Wah Pedal"
1967 Vox V1011 Pathfinder Combo
1968 Fender Dual Showman
1968 Fender Telecaster [*Demo Video!]
1968 Gibson ES-345
1968 Gibson ES-355 [*Kalamazoo Collection!]
1968 Gibson SJN Southern Jumbo Natural
1968 Marshall Super Lead 100 Model 1959
1968 Martin 0-18
1968 Martin D-12-35
1969 Fender Stratocaster
1969 Fender Stratocaster [*Demo Video!]
1969 フェンダー テレキャスター シンライン [*デモビデオ]
1969 Fender Vibro Champ
1969 Martin 00-21
1969 マーティン D-21
1970 Gibson ES-345TDC [*One Owner!]
1970 マーシャル モデル 1962 50w トレモロ ブルースブレイカー
1970 Martin 00-21
1970 Sano 16WR 1x12" Combo
1970 Sunn Sorado
1970s Dallas Arbiter LTD "Sound City" 50 Plus Mark IV
1970s Gibson ES-355TD
1970s Gibson F-5 Mandolin [*Kalamazoo Collection]
1970s Gibson Les Paul Triumph Bass
1970s Gibson SG-100
1970s Greco JO Bass
1970s Guild M-75 Bluesbird
1970s Maestro Echoplex EP-3
1971 Gibson B-25-12 [*Kalamazoo Collection!]
1972 Gretsch 7670 Chet Atkins Country Gentleman
1972 Guild F-20 Troubadour
1973 Gibson ES-335TD
1973 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe [*Demo Video!]
1973 Gibson SG-2
1973 Martin D-41
1973 Rickenbacker Model 4001 Jetglo
1973 Takamine F-370S
1974 フェンダー ストラトキャスター
1974 Fender Stratocaster [*Demo Video!]
1974 ギブソン EDS-1275
1974 Marshall Model 2045 2x12" Cabinet
1975 Fender Telecaster
1975 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe P90
1975 Guild M-80 CS
1975 Marshall JMP 50-Watt Head
1976 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe
1976-1983 Electro Harmonix Doctor Q Envelope Filter